True Detective is written by Nic Pizzolatto and directed by Cary Fukunaga. It centers on two detectives, Rust Cohle (Matthew McConaughey) and Martin Hart (Woody Harrelson), whose lives collide and entwine during a seventeen-year hunt for a serial killer in Louisiana. The investigation of a bizarre murder in 1995 is framed and interlaced with testimony from the detectives in 2012, when the case has been reopened.
Episode 3 starts out with Rust and Martin checking out a church that the victim went to, but it had been burned out, with painting all over it. They went to a tent revival type church where the church basically moved to. People there vaguely seemed to remember her, but not her name. In episode 3, we get to know the detectives a little bit more. Rust and Martin talk a bit about religion. It is obvious how much Rust hates religion and becomes even more negative about life and religion. Martin gets upset with Rust for bringing back his lawn mower and mowing his lawn. He starts showing his control freak side. In episode 4, they seem to make some headway with the investigation, even focusing on a suspect. However, during this time, Martin’s personal life blows up on him. For all of his preaching about how having a family is so important, Martin has a mistress, which starts to become a problem for him. His mistress goes to his home and talks to his wife and tells all. When Martin gets home, she has left him a note along with his packed suitcases.
Rust and Martin seem to have their ups and downs as partners, even showing a a bit of friendship, strained as it is. They find some common ground while working on the case, trying to find their suspect. You get to see a bit of Rust’s past undercover life, as he tries to get in with the group he infiltrated previously, where their suspect is a cook (meth). It all turns very unexpected and intense, which will change the course for Rust and Martin. But wow is it great. And I wanted more right now! Yes, I am loving this show. Great actors that make it even better!