Hi everyone! I realized that this week is the 10 year anniversary for my blog! Wow indeed. I have read true crime books since I was about 14 years old. When I started this blog. I never imagined that it would explode like it has. I never believed that anyone would even read it. I was mostly doing it to make a database of cases. Jump ahead 2015, and I never in my wildest dreams believed it would be such a big part of my life. And I really like doing it. It helps me to forget my own life, especially all of the pain I have endured. The real life stuff is still there, but I try to forget for a while. With the focus on the victims, I see life a bit different then I did before. There are times when I see a story and it makes me cry before I can read it. So, thanks to all who have visited and read my blog. Here’s to 10 more years!
And, as always, remember the victims, always.